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Center for Business Analytics

An Innovative Solutions Lab

The scope of activities at the Center for Business Analytics can succinctly be captured by the acronym DATA, a useful way to immediately sense the importance of the Center's activities in the "Big Data" economy of today and of the future:

  • Develop analytics capabilities in the College of Business Administration through curriculum development and applied research;
  • Assist businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to improve performance and make data-driven decisions using analytics;
  • Train students and the public modern analytics methods and computation tools through workshops, seminars, and certificate programs;
  • Augment our understanding of modern analytics methods including data visualization, data mining, machine learning, predictive modeling, simulation, and optimization.

Advisory Board

The most critical resource of the Center is the high-quality human capital that the Center brings to support its mission and the mission of its clients and partners. The Center brings together experts in business analytics, predictive analytics, machine learning, and data mining from academia and industry to solve real-world data problems through research and consulting. The Advisory Board currently includes the following experts:

  • Min Li, Professor and Director of Center for Business Analytics
  • Joseph Richards, Professor
  • Jaydeep Balakrishnan, Associate Dean
  • Navdeep Jaitly, Machine Learning Research Scientist, Apple
  • Hua (Derek) Wang, Former Executive at Alibaba


Faculty Research Fellows

Ryan Fuller

Partha Mohapatra

David Moore

Joseph Richards


Dr. Min Li, Director